...and then, apparently, It just went beserk when someone CURIOUS tried a MASHUP of Gin Rummy and Scrabble!

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

PODS now available

I successfully added "Uncontrolled vocabulary" to the RSS feeds on this blog. It was interesting to retrace the steps from Semester I week 3 and to be once again confused by the relationship between bloglines and blogger (and google reader for that matter). [So many similar, fuzzy concepts; so little time. For early onset baby boomers it's like keeping the Gabor sisters straight.] Yet, "uncontrolled vocabulary" is right there on the RSS side of this blog; and it works. Though the sound was poor on on podcast; I need earphones I think. The topics, of course, are germain to the field. The number of PODcasts overwhelming.

PODcasts are ubiquitous; our libary used MP3 files to make a 4 session lecture series available to the public--wonderful idea. As with YouTube personas, for PODcasting, the sky's the limit (TSTL--to propose a text message epithet.) A carnival barker PODcast avatar comes to mind--"Step right up library folks now starring at your library!" A radio script modelled on old time radio might be clever. An assistant to library webczar would be useful to pull together the marketing strategies for PODcasting and YOUtubing, etc., etc., etc..

1 comment:

Stef Morrill said...

One time I explained blogger vs. bloglines to someone and it seemed to help (or maybe they just wanted me to stop talking):

I think it's easier to see the difference when you think of the names. "Blogger" is a service, but it's also a person that makes and writes a blog. So, it's a product where you can make and write a blog.

"Bloglines" is like "headlines" -- it's a place where you can read "news" (or keep up) through blog postings, podcasts, etc.

So, blogger is where you write, bloglines is where you read. I read the blog you make in blogger through bloglines.

Does it help at all? Well, just nod to shut me up, anyway....

I like your idea of a podcast modeled on old-time radio!