...and then, apparently, It just went beserk when someone CURIOUS tried a MASHUP of Gin Rummy and Scrabble!

Thursday, January 31, 2008


The "Remember the Milk," and Jott sites are interesting. I couldn't find the Login for "RTM" at first, it's way up in the top right corner. I tried to edit my initial task at "RTM," but it didn't seem to work. After clicking on the Tasks tab I didn't see a list of what to do; and after clicking on my previously posted task I later found an editing window way down in the lower right hand corner.
All of which is to say, it wasn't intuitively obvious to me how to use "RTM" as an end user. BUT, as with any of these myriad Tools, time should tell, I'm sure this is useful for task management. I shall set up a personal account to see. Usage is a bit like the new remote on a new television; it can take a while to figure out the procedures and/or to just find the buttons.
As to Jott; a great barrier was not wanting to leave another voice mail in the universe. I'm sure it works just fine and is fun for many folks. So it goes.

1 comment:

Stef Morrill said...

I'd love to hear what you think of Remember the Milk after using it for a while...keep me posted!!