...and then, apparently, It just went beserk when someone CURIOUS tried a MASHUP of Gin Rummy and Scrabble!

Tuesday, January 22, 2008


The Google Docs document was confusing to me. Also, as I tried to add a comment a message popped up which implied that someone had already left such a message. As with all new vehicles for information I would posit that this is merely part of learning the new system.
I added a slide, "sorta." I learned how to add text to an empty frame, but did not take the time to download, cut and paste a picture.
As to the garden, someone beat me to the ordering of fencing; I'm used to trying to keep rabbits out of the flowers. These days I emphasize with Elmer Fudd more than in the past.
We have used the software "Bootcamp" at our library for committee documents. This too can be a useful work tool. I wonder how it would have helped Jefferson in drafting the Declaration.

1 comment:

Stef Morrill said...

Well, it probably would have taken Jefferson twice as long to get it done with all the "input" he would have received. :-)

That being said, I think Google Docs does work great when working collaboratively is needed....